
Interested in volunteering?
We have a great bunch of volunteers that support the SC Eco Centre and we welcome anyone interested in volunteering on a one-off or a regular basis.

A huge shout out to the Sustainable South Canterbury Trustees who are all volunteers as well. 

There are several roles that we require volunteers help with:

  • With larger group events such as working bees, education workshops, festivals.
  • Helping inside the centre, meeting and hosting the public and guiding around displays.
  • Being active in the office or in gardens, small numbers with less public contact options, or
  • Help the Trust  from off-site, e.g. from home or workplace. 

We are also looking to expand the community courses available through the centre and value learning from each other.

If you have skills in the following areas please get in touch:

  • Gardening, growing fruit & veges
  • Fund-raising and finances
  • Sustainability skills at home and garden
  • Sustainability in the workplace
  • Craft activity e.g. sewing, upcycling furniture
  • Trades-person skills e.g landscaping, building
  • Maintenance, repairs, appliances, electronics, computing, video
  • Eco kids including nature & sustainability

Keen to volunteer?