Eco Centre Education Topics
We have education programmes across the following topics

Have you thought about where the water goes when you unplug the tub after a bath? What about the doggy-doo you see washing down a storm water drain on a rainy day? Discover the fascinating wastewater journey in our district and the impact it has on the environment. End the session with a fun treasure hunt and learn more about the NTF pond just outside the Eco Centre.
Presenter: Corrie Andrews from EnviroNZ

Waste Minimisation
“You make a difference” – is the key message we deliver in a fun and informative way. Learn more about renewable, and non-renewable resources, what is waste, and what can we do locally to have an impact globally? View videos of the operations around the Resource Recovery Park and consider how waste products can be viewed as resources. Flexible lesson plans for all ages.
Presenter: Corrie Andrews from EnviroNZ

The Crows Nest Visit
Why buy second hand? Encouraging students to think about what they can donate and what they can buy pre loved. Involves a treasure hunt at The Crows Nest to open up their eyes to what is available.
Presenter: Alice Brice from Eco centre

Predator Free
Why do we want to kill predators? What does Predator Free 2050 focus on? We focus on saving the birds, identifying key predators and look at different traps and trap safety.
Presenter: Alice Brice from Eco centre

Raptor Experience
Learn about the lives of our native raptor birds, their ways of hunting, what they feed on, dangers to their safety and their cultural significance. Ron will bring along a feathered friend. Koha appreciated.
Presenter: Ron Lindsay

We coordinate with local ECan Enviroschools Advisor Debbie Eddington to make a programme for your students. Debbie has a wide knowledge of our environment and innovative presentation skills.
Presenter: Debbie Eddington

Create your Day
Bring your class or school year group to spend a day at the Eco Centre. Mix and match with your own presenters or activities depending on the topics you are exploring – don’t forget there’s also outdoor seating for lunch and plenty of surrounding lawn for activities.
Designed by your school

Local Attractions – what can my school do?
A short walk from the Eco Centre is the Otipua Wetlands, a stone beach, Redruth Park, and Timaru Cemetery. These are options for nature study, beach cleanup, walks, and beach craft activities.
Designed by your school
Frequently Asked Questions
The Eco Centre has a classroom space that fits 50 people on chairs. It has a smart board, Wifi and pop up tables, that are easy to move. There is an indoor break out space and an outdoor table area.
The Eco Centre has easy access for a bus to drive through and park. It has wheelchair access and an accessible toilet.
We have a small kitchen with a oven, urn, fridge freezer and most things you need to serve a meal. We also have a BBQ for hire.
Please note groups have to take their rubbish home.